Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Peppermint is Powerful

Peppermint is a favorite flavor for many people. It tastes amazing mixed with chocolate in a dessert. Some enjoy drinking it as tea. Just about everyone uses mint as a breath freshener. Flavor aside, it has powerful health benefits.

Here are some things you need to know about the healing power of this herb:

Treat Headaches

Did you know if you head is pounding, you can treat your aches with this essential oil? Just mix in a few drops with a carrier oil. Olive, sunflower, almond, or coconut oil make great choices. Rub a bit on your temples and across your forehead. 

Relieve Cold Symptoms

Again, essential oils can be used to treat cough or open sinuses. Rub a few drops of essential oil on your chest. Also, you can take a whiff of the oil to clear clear your nasal passages. 

Drinking mint tea is a great idea when you have a sore throat or congestion. 

These are just a few of the ways you can use peppermint to alleviate symptoms. Some other things it can be used to treat are: 

  • Nausea
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Help you concentrate
  • Treat IBS
If you want to read more about herbal remedies check out my other blog Holistic Splendour.

Meet Virginia


Virginia Horbenko is a holistic wellness practitioner in Adelaide, Australia. She makes it her mission to help everyone she meets lead a healthier life. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Natural Ways to Treat Acne

Don't you just hate when you have an acne breakout? Have you thought to yourself, "I thought only teenagers did this?". I know I have been frustrated when my face becomes covered with pimples. There are many reasons that breakouts happen and those are issues that must be addressed. However, in the midst of active infections on your skin, there are some things you can do to naturally treat the condition.

Treating the Acne Naturally

Most of the ingredients you need to treat your skin can normally be found in your kitchen. If you don't keep these things around, they can be easily purchased at a grocery store. This is one of the beauties of natural remedies; you don't have to have weird items to make the recipes. 

Here are a few items you need to treat acne naturally:

Tea Tree Oil
Lemon Juice
Apple Cider Vinegar
Banana Peel

For specific ways to use these items, go HERE

Different Skin Types:

Depending on your skin will determine the types of ingredients you will use on your treatment. Acidic items like the vinegar and lemon juice are very drying to skin. Yogurt, honey, tea tree oil are great for those that are more sensitive to acne treatments. 

Meet Virginia

Virginia is a natural health practitioner that works with your clients to develop beauty regimens that are good for their skin and gives them the results they desire. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Treating a Urinary Tract Infection Naturally

If you have ever had an urinary tract infection, you can know how absolutely uncomfortable it can be. It feels as if you constantly have to go to the bathroom, and when you get there, not much comes out. There is a lot of burning sensations associated with urinating, along with lower back pain. When you are dealing with an urinary tract infection, there are some natural remedies you can use to relieve the symptoms and clear up the infection without the use of antibiotics.

Herbal Medicines to Treat Urinary Tract Infection

There are a few over the counter herbal medicines you can use to treat your urinary tract infection. These can be found in the supplement section of the store. You can also purchase these items online if you are having a difficult time finding them for sale. 

Echinacea- This is often used to stave off colds and boost the immune system, but it has anti-inflammatory properties that work to eliminate discomfort in the urinary tract. 

Cornsilk- This herb also has anti-inflammatory properties, and will reduce pain and irritation in the bladder. 

Goldenseal- With this herb, you can fight the infection that is plaguing your body. 

How to Prevent a Urinary Tract Infection

If you are prone to UTI's, then there are some things you should implement into your daily routine. Women who are pregnant are also at greater risk of having a UTI, which can cause premature labor. Go HERE to read some of the ways you can prevent a urinary tract infection. 

Meet Virginia Horbenko

Virginia a holistic practitioner and she is passionate about advising her clients on naturopath in Adelaide. She posts weekly blog articles that address issues many people deal with. You can visit her website at Holistic Splendour

Monday, September 8, 2014

3 Natural Aphrodisiacs

Many people deal with a lack of sexual desire whether it be on account of hormone imbalances, depression, health issues, or other reasons. Having a low libido can be very damaging to your romantic relationships. It is important that you address these health issues for your sake and the sake of your partner.

How to Use Natural Aphrodisiacs

There are many herbs, oils and supplements that you can incorporate into your daily routine which will help to increase your sexual desire. Here are three natural health remedies that will help you.

Ginger Oil- ginger oil is a wonderful aphrodisiac. You will need to mix this oil in a ratio of 50/50 with a carrier oil, such as: olive or sunflower oil, to name a few. Once you have mixed up the blend of oils, you will rub a small amount on different parts of your body like ears, feet, hands, or just about anywhere else. Avoid using this in your eyes. Putting a few drops of ginger oil in your bathwater is also a good way to utilize it.

Damiana- this shrub has been used to increase sexual desire for centuries in the regions in which it is native. You will find this plant growing wildly in hot places like Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. It can be drank as a tea, or taken as a supplement to achieve the desired results. It takes a few days for it work its magic.

Horny Goat Weed- appropriately named, this was discovered by a goat herder that noticed is flock became more sexually active after eating the weed. This plant is native to Mediterranean regions and Asia. This is sold in the form of a pill and can be taken regularly to increase desire.

If you are looking for more naturopath solutions and herbal medicine remedies, check out the blog at Holistic Splendour.

Meet Virginia Horbenko 

.  Virginia is a holistic practitioner that promotes herbal medicine in Adelaide. She makes it her passion to only council patients to use natural beauty and health remedies

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Natural Cures For Headaches

Whether you have pounding migraines or the occasional bad headache, you know how much a aching head can affect your day. When headaches come on, the first thing you want to do is lay down and rest. Not all of us are able to take a nap at will to see if a headache can pass. Many turn to aspirin or acetaminophen to relieve the aches. However, there are other natural remedies you can use to relieve the pain.

Here are a few things you can do to naturally relieve headaches:

-Increase your water intake: one of the first things you should do is drink water. Often times, your headache may be caused by dehydration.
-Eat something: be sure you eat something substantial. You  might just be hungry and your body is letting you know by bringing on a headache. Snacking on a candy bar is not a good idea. Instead, commit to eating a meal that has protein, carbohydrates, and fruit or vegetables.
-Take an herbal supplement: there are some herbal remedies you can take in order to relieve the pain of a headache. Go here to see that list.
-Get more rest: not sleeping enough at night will cause you to feel bad the next day. If you habitually do not get enough rest at night, you can expect more headaches in the days to come.

When you suffer from headaches regularly, it is important that you look at your overall health to keep the headaches under control. Popping a pill only relieves the symptoms, but it does not eliminate the problem. Make certain you are addressing the underlying health concerns that are causing your headaches. If changing your diet and sleep patterns do not alleviate the headaches, then it is best that you see your health care professional for advice. There might be another problem that is causing the headaches to occur.

For more information about Holistic Practices, visit Holistic Splendour.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

3 Reasons to Eat More Ginger

Maybe you have heard that ginger is good for you, but you aren't really sure why. The bold, spicy flavor of this herb has been used in many cuisines, especially in Indian and Asian dishes. It is also one of the spices that is mixed in with pumpkin spice. There are many reasons to make this part of your diet.

Ginger Benefits

Here are just a few of the benefits that consuming ginger will do for your health: 

  1. Aids in digestion
  2. Relief of menstrual cramps
  3. Increase sex drive
This is not a full list of the benefits of this herb. If you want to read about other health benefits of ginger, check out this article about The Power of Ginger.

How to Incorporate This Spice in Your Diet

There are many ways in which you can add more of this herb into your diet. Drinking it in the form of tea is a simple and popular way to enjoy the flavor. Adding the spice to sweet breads, stir fries, and other spicy dishes will give you a variety in your cuisine. You can also shred pieces of fresh ginger into a salad to give it a bold flavor. 

Ginger is very beneficial to your health, and absolutely worth making part of your diet.